While you can’t stop a disaster from happening, you can prepare for it. You most likely think about making sure your 72-hour food kit is well stocked, procuring all-in-one gadgets, and replenishing essential first-aid supplies. Being physically prepared with these items is important, but having the right mindset is just as or more important.
In 2020, there were roughly 8,100 fatalities reported caused by natural disaster events worldwide. Certain people seem to have a natural ability to survive no matter what. Here are a few amazing survivors of unusual natural disasters:
The Queen of the Sea was a Sri Lankan train hit by an enormous wave caused by the devastating Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004. All eight carriages were instantly flooded and flung off of the tracks with incredible force. Daya Wijaya Gunawardana, a restaurateur, miraculously survived when the coach flipped over four times. It was one of the worst railway disasters in history.

Ewa Wisnierska was involved in a deadly ordeal when she got sucked into a cloud while paragliding. An updraft suddenly grabbed her glider and shot her upward at 66 feet per second. Ice and darkness blinded her, while rain, hail, and turbulence made it impossible to navigate. She suffered from oxygen deprivation and cold. Struggling with her sight and frozen body, she still managed to land safely on a farm. She suffered severe frostbite and bruises but survived.

In 2009, Rachael Shardlow went for a swim in Australia’s Calliope River. Her brother, Sam, quickly pulled her from the water as he could see that long tentacles were wrapped around her legs. Those tentacles belong to the most venomous animal on the plant: the box jellyfish. Nobody in recorded history has been stung so severely by box jellyfish and lived.

In 1942, park ranger Roy Sullivan found himself on the receiving end of a lightning bolt no less than seven times. He is listed in the Guinness World Record for surviving more lightning strikes than anyone else.
You may have heard about other people who experienced horrible disasters and should have died from their experience but had the fortitude to deal with and ultimately conquer what seemed to be an impossible predicament.
What qualities will help you survive a disaster?
Ability to stay calm.
When you are calm, you can think clearer. High emotions and panic will cloud your judgment. You need to develop critical thinking to be able to make good decisions. Also, when your adrenaline is high, it is physically and mentally challenging to deal with threatening events and circumstances.
The ability to make a plan, and also a backup plan
People who have the discipline and take the time to make a plan, stay organized and work towards a goal are better positioned when a disaster strikes. Also, have a backup plan just in case.
Common Sense
This trait is lacking in our modern world. The opposite of having common sense is being ignorant. Common sense is the action you would take in a situation or the method you would use to perform a task. The key reason why we perceive so many people as having no common sense: they excel at different things than us.
Thinking outside of the box
Most people accept the rules placed upon them by others, but those with the ability to think outside the box do not necessarily accept those restrictions. They might question, bend, or break the rules if they do not make sense to them.
Foresight is a combination of knowledge, experience, and situational awareness. A deep understanding of an overall situation provides better intuitional foresight of a potential disaster.
To adapt, you must improvise, use critical thinking, and have a “can-do” attitude. It is also called “thinking on your feet.” The better you adapt to new circumstances and environments, the higher are your chances to survive. You need to be flexible and change plans according to unexpected scenarios.
A Will to Survive
Without a will to survive, pretty much nothing else works. It is a fundamental and highly general trait and takes a strong will to survive when the going is extremely tough. Some give up while others press on and live.
Intuition is a powerful survival trait. Gut instincts not only come from experience but also takes a unique combination of all of our senses.
Ability to Decide
Many people have a hard time making decisions, especially under pressure. The ability to make decisions is a crucial survival trait attribute. If you get “stuck in the mud” you cannot persevere.
Looking Beyond Mistakes
It is hard to go on if we have made a mistake. We feel like a failure for making bad decisions. You can’t change the past, but you can look beyond the mistake. Rather than wasting time or getting bogged down, move forward.
Blend of Optimism and Pessimism
Using a good blend of optimism and pessimism lends the ability to see both sides of a situation. Too much of one or the other upsets the balance of clear thinking. Look at things realistically and discern the gravity of the situation. Reality is a complex thing and should be recognized for what it is.
Determination and Stubbornness
Believing the mission will be accomplished. You are pushing through a difficult situation. Resolve to keep going and persevere. Pledge to survive and stick to your goals no matter what. Be persistent and resilient and encourage yourself and others to overcome any hardship.
Curiosity and Learning
It would help if you could learn by searching for accurate information. Survivalists are intelligent and capable of educating themselves. Keep your mind open and flexible for new information. Absorb new knowledge and incorporate it with accumulated facts and methods. There is so much information available in books, videos, blogs, and mentors.
Keeping a cool head is essential and can help you have control over the situation. A true survivalist should be able to control his emotions. Don’t let feelings of agitation, anger, fear, and more cloud your rational decision-making processes.
Learn how to take advantage of your surroundings. Be observant and think of ways to use what is available. A resourceful person can find and use what nature has provided.
By developing your personal survival traits, qualities, attributes, and characteristics mentioned above, you will be more prepared physically, mentally, and emotionally when a disaster occurs.
What other traits do you feel would help in a survival situation? Comment below.